Friday, May 23, 2014

Surface Pro 3 release date, news and capabilities

Surface Pro 3 release date, news and features

Microsoft is hoping that three is the magic number immediately after unveiling the newest addition to its Surface loved ones of devices: the Surface Pro three.

The business has gone all out by generating it the greatest, most effective and feature -packed Surface however, and a lot of would argue that it needed to.

It's been a rocky road for Microsoft where its Surface devices are concerned: in the two years due to the fact Windows chief Steven Sinofsky unveiled the Surface RT and Surface Pro, Microsoft has lost mentioned Windows chief, squandered just about $1 billion on unsold Surface RT stock and replaced its brash and bullish CEO, Steve Ballmer.

Satya Nadella, Ballmer's replacement, has currently created progress in evolving Microsoft's mobile and cloud computing tactics (hardly a surprise thinking of his former position), but the ex-Sun Microsystems engineer still has to earn his hardware stripes.

It was expected that the Surface Pro three would be unveiled alongside a Surface Mini, or even a Surface three, but neither materialized. Alternatively, it basked in the limelight alone when Microsoft corporate VP Panos Panay took to the stage to show it off to the planet.

Surface Pro 3
Panos Panay and a Surface Pro three (not a menu)

Surface Pro 3 release date

You'll be capable to pre-order the Surface Pro 3 from May 21 from the Microsoft Shop, Microsoft-branded retail outlets and choose third- party retailers. However, it won't ship until June 20 in Canada and the US.

Those in the UK and Australia will have to wait till the " finish of August" to get their hands on the device. Along with a host of new accessories, it'll ship that month in 26 added markets, which includes the UK and Australia.

Surface Pro three specs

Microsoft is pitching the Surface Pro 3 as a complete -on laptop killer that's substantial sufficient to give you the desktop true estate necessary to be productive while remaining thin and light enough to be portable.

At 12 inches, its show is the biggest on any Surface tablet, and it crams in much more pixels than ever. With a pixel resolution of 2160 x 1440, it bests the 1080p panels found on the Surface two and Surface Pro two and, according to Microsoft, offers 6 % far more content material than devices with 13-inch displays due to its 3 : 2 aspect ratio.

Microsoft also claims that the show is "optically bonded with the highest contrast ratios in the sector ", making us keen to take the Surface Pro three for a spin outdoors to test outdoor readability.

Weighing in at 800g (1.76lbs), the Surface Pro three is light compared to similar -sized laptops, such as Apple's 13-inch MacBook Air ( two.96lbs) and even the 11-inch variant ( two.38lbs). It really is also 100g (or.2lbs) lighter than the Surface Pro 2, and at.35 inches thick, it really is thinner too (versus.53 inches).

The Surface Pro 3 is lighter than air

It is not rather as light as other tablets on the market, such as Apple's iPad Air (1lb) or Sony's Xperia Tablet Z (1.09lbs), which isn't surprising considering its larger size and much more highly effective components. Nonetheless, it really is only slightly heavier than the 12-inch, Android-powered Galaxy Note Pro 12. 2, which weighs 1.66lb.

Microsoft claims that the Surface Pro three is ten per cent more rapidly than the Surface Pro two. Below the hood, it's becoming offered with an Intel Core i3, i5 or i7 Haswell processor depending on the level of energy you're seeking to harness (and the size of the hole you are willing to punch into your sobbing wallet).

For much better or worse, Microsoft's Surface tablets have generally stood out for their several position kickstands, and the Surface Pro 3's has enjoyed a comparable evolution. It now sports a 'friction hinge', which makes it possible for it to recline to any position up to 150 degrees, which Microsoft calls "Canvas Mode" due to its suitability for drawing.


You are going to be doing that making use of the new Surface Pro 3 pen, which powers on the device and launches OneNote when pressed to the screen. By clicking the pen you can save your doodles straight to OneDrive's cloud storage, and double clicking it with the camera open will take a photo that can then be scribbled on in the app.

The Surface Mini was broadly expected to be a killer note-taking device, a role that, for the time being, appears to have been assigned to the Surface Pro three.

According to Microsoft, the Surface Pro 3's optical stack (the LCD screen and digitiser) is the thinnest yet, measuring.7mm. This means that when you used the Surface Pro 3's pen, it's much more akin to writing on paper than a display as the virtual "ink" practically touches the pen tip when the two interact.


In terms of connectivity options, the Surface Pro three has 802.11ac WiFi, Bluetooth four. LE, USB 3. and a TPM two. chip. Its front-facing speakers are 45 per cent louder than previous generations, and front and rear-facing cameras are capable of shooting 1080p video and taking 5 -Megapixel images.

Sensors include an accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer and an ambient light sensor. It is lacking GPS and 4G, however, each of which created an appearance in the final Surface device outed, the Surface 2 4G.

O2 adds tablets, which includes New Nexus 7 and Xperia Z2, to Refresh contracts

O2 adds tablets, including New Nexus 7 and Xperia Z2, to Refresh contracts

O2 is offering Brits the chance to choose up a higher - finish tablet with no paying anything upfront soon after adding slates to its popular Refresh contacts for the initial time.

Customers can grab 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 at this time are the Huawei MediaPad M1 8. and the PGEgaHJlZj0iaHR0cDovL2hvc3RpbmdraXRhLmNvbQ0iIHRhcmdldD0iX2JsYW5rIiByZWw9Im5vZm9sbG93Ij5TYW1zdW5nIDwvYT4=Galaxy Tab three ten.1

Will your subsequent tablet buy be through O2 Refresh? Let us know your thoughts below.

  • Finest 4G Network: EE vs O2 vs 3 vs Vodafone

By way of TrustedReviews

Cash in that tattered old iPad for a new 1 as Apple trade-ins hit UK

Cash in that tattered old iPad for a new one as Apple trade-ins hit UK

Apple has confirmed its iPad trade-in plan has opened its doors UK, permitting users to trade in their old tablets in exchange for credit towards a new iOS device.

The scheme, which began in the US and Canada on Earth Day final month, has been advertised on Apple's retail web sites in the UK, Spain, Germany and France offering folks the opportunity to "get a discount to buy a new 1."

The trade in program will let owners of the original iPad, iPad 2, iPad three, iPad four and original PGEgaHJlZj0iaHR0cDovL2hvc3RpbmdraXRhLmNvbQ0iIHRhcmdldD0iX2JsYW5rIiByZWw9Im5vZm9sbG93Ij5pUGFkIG1pbmkgPC9hPnRvIG9idGFpbiBjcmVkaXQgdG93YXJkcyBhIG5ldyBpUGFkIG9yIGlQaG9uZS4gPC9wPjxwPlRoZSBuZXcgPGEgaHJlZj0iaHR0cDovL2hvc3RpbmdraXRhLmNvbQ0iIHRhcmdldD0iX2JsYW5rIiByZWw9Im5vZm9sbG93Ij5pUGFkIG1pbmkgPC9hPg==2 or iPad Air can't be traded in, but users can upgrade to them by cashing in their older tech.

Is it in very good nick?

The quantity they get for their existing device will depend on the age, model and condition, even though Apple hasn't revealed any information on what it really is offering for particular iPads.

Nevertheless, it goes with out saying that if the device is a 64GB Wi-Fi + 3G iPad four in great nick it'll obviously will be worth more than a battered old 16GB iPad 2 with Wi-Fi.

Is this the opportunity you have been waiting for, or do you consider you will get much more bang for your buck by flogging the older device on eBay? Let us know in the comments box.

By means of 9to5Mac

The biggest takeaways from the Microsoft Surface Pro three unveiling

The biggest takeaways from the Microsoft Surface Pro 3 unveiling

Microsoft's Surface Pro three was the star of a New York City occasion earlier nowadays, but it is not like the tablet had to work challenging to steal the spotlight as it was the a single and only device Redmond revealed.

Absent was the extensively anticipated Surface Mini and what is usually the perfunctory displaying of a PGEgaHJlZj0iaHR0cDovL3d3dy5ob3N0aW5na2l0YS5jb20NIiB0YXJnZXQ9Il9ibGFuayIgcmVsPSJub2ZvbGxvdyI+V2luZG93cyA8L2E+RT variant, in this case the Surface three.

The assembled Microsoft crew ( mostly an added -exuberant Panos Panay) gushed over the new Surface's 12-inch screen, ten % efficiency increase, "lapability," and far more. Hell, even the N-trig pen got so significantly stage time, other styli were probably weeping with envy.

We were left with a singular device to scrutinize, but that doesn't imply there isn't a lot to postmortem.

Microsoft is not prepared to go mini

In truth, Microsoft seems to be saying, " Small tablets?? Pah! We laugh at your puny 7- and eight -inch devices!"

The Surface Pro three is Microsoft's biggest tablet yet and seems to be a not-so-subtle protest to the notion it's going to give us the fabled Surface Mini any time soon.

That does not mean Microsoft will not ever show a tablet created to compete with the likes of the Nexus 7 and other smaller slates. In truth, the device reportedly nearly was shown today, till CEO Satya Nadella and EVP Stephen Elop nixed it.

So, for the foreseeable future, Microsoft's tablet stratagem is clear: kill the laptop, even if it signifies going bigger.

Today's presentation started with an exposition on the conflict customers practical experience when they're buying for a new device. Do they want a tablet or do they want a laptop? There's an inherent conflict in having to select, a single that apparently has customers tearing their hair out and leaving the retailer sacrificing a single for the other.

Microsoft is coming for you, laptops

Microsoft's option ? Get rid of the conflict between tablet and laptop by generating a item - the Surface Pro three - that offers the ideal of each.

"This is the tablet that can replace your laptop," Panay mentioned anthemically.

Sadly, for those looking for a smaller sized Surface, it does not look like Microsoft has figured out how to include anything it utilizes to define its tablets in a tinier kind issue. It does not mean it will not, just that it really is nevertheless at the drawing board.

Sticking with large (and receiving larger ) tablets that can replace laptops may possibly serve Microsoft effectively considering that having a message that can be beat into consumers' heads can work wonders in sales. Or, it might be absolutely misreading the market and missing a golden chance to money in on the smaller slate craze.

Even if that turns out to be the case, Microsoft's made its bed. And we all know what a chore it is to rouse them from it.

Hello, Windows RT coffin? This is your final nail

The Surface Mini was/is expected to launch with an ARM- primarily based chip, which means we're in for a Windows RT tab and not a single with complete -fledged Windows 8.1.

Even with the Surface Mini missing from the day's proceedings, we can normally rely on Microsoft to throw us a non-Pro bone with a full -sized WRT tablet. A new Surface Pro is announced, ipso facto there is a common Surface also, right ?

Incorrect. Nowadays, there was no "comes with the territory" Surface three, signaling Microsoft is as prepared as the rest of us to be carried out with RT.

The door is usually open for the OS to show its face down the line, but there's been so little attention paid to it over the course of the year - I can not keep in mind a mention for the duration of Construct 2014 - that I'd be surprised if Microsoft resurrected RT in any new device from here on out.

Today's Surface Pro three occasion wasn't the beginning of the end for Windows RT it was the end of the finish for the considerably -maligned operating system.

The huge query

Going bigger and abandoning Windows RT are fairly reduce -and-dry takeaways, but I am puzzled by what appears to be Microsoft's expense conundrum.

I comprehend that it desires to offer you as much in tablet type as it can, but at a starting price tag of $799 (about £474, AU$863) for the lowest- end variant and the close to - want to get a $130 (about £80, AU$140) Variety Cover, the Pro three is pushing laptop costs.

The business is determined to develop good "mobile 1st productivity experiences" and that's going to come at a expense, but customers - even ones who want to "watch a movie and make a film " - may well not be in a position to reconcile the price with the package.

The takeaway? Microsoft has some cuddly thoughts about its Pro tablet line, but the cold, tough truth is that the Pro three is an pricey piece of hardware. Redmond has decided big is in when it comes to Surface size, but shoppers may possibly beg to differ when it comes to essentially spend for it.

  • How does the Surface Pro three stack up against the Surface Pro two ?

Microsoft killed its Surface Mini reveal at the last minute

Microsoft killed its Surface Mini reveal at the last minute

There was some disappointment at the lack of a Surface Mini reveal for the duration of yesterday's Surface Pro three occasion - it appears that Microsoft was preparing to show the smaller sized tablet off, but nixed it at the last minute.

According to sources speaking to Bloomberg, Microsoft intended to announce the Surface Mini at the very same occasion but pulled it at the eleventh hour due to top quality issues, deciding upon to put all the concentrate on the Pro three as an alternative.

CEO Satya Nadella allegedly thought that the Surface Mini did not provide adequate sparkle to differentiate itself from rivals like the iPad Mini and Nexus 7.

What lies beneath

The Surface Mini was set to use Qualcomm's processors, sources mentioned, as an alternative of Intel architecture like the Surface Pro 3.

They added that all mentions of Qualcomm were also pulled from yesterday's big press event along with the Mini.

However, Microsoft could still deliver a Surface Mini in the future, according to 1 of the individuals. Sounds like it just wants to discover that further winning ingredient.

  • Can the Surface Pro three replace your laptop?

Hands on: EE Eagle evaluation

Hands on: EE Eagle review

The EE Eagle is a tablet that you've already noticed. For these of you with a great memory you will instantly recognise it as the Huawei MediaPad M1.

There is no hiding the reality that the 4G-enabled Eagle is generally a carbon copy of Huawei's 8 -inch slate which EE is hoping can tempt men and women away from the iPad mini.

It gets off to a excellent commence with a PAYG cost of £199.99, making the Eagle from EE considerably cheaper than the Wi-Fi + 4G iPad mini, which will set you back £349.

If you'd rather not portion with £200 up front you can minimize your initial outlay to £49.99 if you sign up to a two year, £15 per month contract which offers you 2GB of information.

EE Eagle review

I managed to get some short hands on time with a pre-production model of the EE Eagle, while I was told that it wasn't final hardware or computer software.

It won't be far off though as the EE Eagle release date has been set for Could 28, so if this 4G tablet takes your fancy you will not have to wait long.

EE Eagle review

You'll find an 8 -inch screen and dual-speakers on the front and a 5MP snapper on the rear, when below the hood the Eagle comes with a 1.6GHz quad-core processor, 1GB of RAM, 16GB internal storage and CAT four LTE assistance permitting you to take advantage of EE's double speed network.

At the moment double speed is only readily available in some regions of London, but EE claims it will have rolled out the quicker network to 40 towns and cities by the end of 2014.

However the EE Eagle comes running Android 4. 2. 2 Jelly Bean, a rather old version of Google's platform, and the network was unable to confirm anything on a prospective KitKat upgrade.

EE Eagle review

As with the MediaPad M1, I can't support but make similarities to the HTC 1 when it comes to the style of the EE Eagle.

The familiar searching, front-facing speaker grilles are laid out in the exact same fashion as the Taiwanese smartphone, whilst round the back the metal- impact plastic rear with white bumpers above and under tends to make for a striking resemblance to the LG G Pad eight. three.

EE Eagle review

The plastic strip on the base can be peeled off to reveal the microSIM and microSD ports, enabling you to gain uncomplicated access to them. This does imply you cannot get to the battery inside the Eagle even though.

Huawei hasn't gone huge on looking for exceptional design and style then, but to the Eagle's credit the physique is solid and it feels like it could take a couple of bumps.

EE Eagle review

The EE Eagle does not feel overly premium - where the G Pad 8. 3 and iPad mini have metal bodies this tablet is entirely plastic. That is hardly a surprise contemplating the cost, but it is not that heavy and I was in a position to hold it relatively comfortably in 1 hand.

The screen on the EE Eagle is acceptable at 800 x 1280, and it is on a par with the original iPad Mini, but it does not come close to the iPad Mini 2 or G Pad in terms of detail or brightness, with colours appearing washed out.

EE Eagle review

I also identified the Eagle was a small sluggish as I moved about, opened and closed apps and fired up multi-tasking, but as I've already pointed out it wasn't operating final application so factors may well boost.

EE has stuck with Huawei's Emoition UI on the Eagle also, which sees the standard Android app tray disappear in favour of housing all your applications on homescreens.

EE Eagle review

This is a easier method from those who are new Android, but knowledgeable customers may possibly locate the layout a tiny frustrating and the childish style of the icons makes the Eagle look like a toy.

Of course the Eagle also come with EE's own applications pre-installed, despite the fact that they never seriously get in the way and they are essentially fairly beneficial.

There is no flash to accompany the 5MP rear facing camera, but you do get a front facing snapper which I assume is the exact same 1MP providing you get on the MediaPad M1, but EE was unable to confirm that.

EE Eagle review

Early verdict

If you are desperate for a 4G-enabled tablet, but don't have a massive quantity to commit, the EE Eagle is a strong option.

That stated, if you happen to be not fussed about a web connection on the go then the Wi-Fi-only LG G Pad 8. 3 is the same price tag and boasts a far far better screen, a lot more energy and the latest version of Android.

A lot more LG, Sony devices sinking their teeth into Android four . four

More LG, Sony devices sinking their teeth into Android 4.4

The latest version of Android continues a slow but steady wave across smartphones and PGEgaHJlZj0iaHR0cDovL2hvc3RpbmdraXRhLmNvbQ0iIHRhcmdldD0iX2JsYW5rIiByZWw9Im5vZm9sbG93Ij50YWJsZXRzIDwvYT4=from practically each and every OEM, and these days we have a hump day update heading to a handful of devices from Sony and LG.

Sony announced the rollout of Android 4. four KitKat to 4 devices, namely the Xperia Z, Xperia ZL, the waterproof Xperia ZR and Xperia Tablet Z, with one more trio currently in the update queue for July.

The over -the-air KitKat update delivers the usual functionality improvements and UI optimizations, but Xperia fans also acquire an all-new user interface experience ripped straight from the PlayStation four, like new launch animation and live wallpaper.

With revamped Status Bar and Speedy Settings, KitKat on Xperia also delivers tweaks to Sony's constructed -in apps, such as slicker "send" animation in Messaging, a smarter social Xperia Camera and a far more responsive e mail client.

Your mileage might differ

Sony is not the only manufacturer acquiring into the KitKat game as LG cleared the Optimus G Pro for a related OTA update for AT&T buyers in the US. It is arrives as a cost-free, roughly 800MB download.

More specifically, AT&T's update brings the LG Optimus G Pro to Android 4. four. 2 and delivers restyled status and navigation bars, a new complete -screen mode, battery performance improvements and help for Google Cloud Print.

While LG customers on the AT&T network really should be on the lookout for KitKat beginning right now, Sony's updates will be readily available in select markets, which will arrive in staggered releases at the discretion of carriers around the globe.

Next up for Sony is a different wave of KitKat updates beginning in July. It is promised the Xperia T2 Ultra, Xperia E1 and Xperia M2 ( both accessible variants) will obtain 4. four.

EE Eagle swoops in to knock iPad mini off its perch

EE Eagle swoops in to knock iPad mini off its perch

EE has announced its 1st own -brand tablet in the type of the eight -inch EE Eagle, which continues the network's avian naming theme began by the Kestrel smartphone.

And like the Kestrel, EE has employed Chinese manufacturer Huawei to make the hardware, with the Eagle becoming an practically carbon copy of the firm's MediaPad M1.

That signifies you get an eight -inch 800 x 1280 show, 1.6GHz quad-core processor, 1GB of RAM, 16GB of internal storage, microSD slot, 5MP rear facing camera and the rather old Android 4. 2. 2 Jelly Bean OS on the Eagle from EE.

A bird in the hand is worth...

With CAT 4 LTE help under the hood the Eagle can also take benefit of EE's double speed 4G network, which need to give you speeds of around 24-30Mbps and it is expected to be accessible in 40 towns and cities by the end of 2014.

EE Eagle

EE is billing the Eagle as an iPad mini beater, with a larger resolution show, much more highly effective processor, double the RAM and a lower price tag tag.

Naturally it really is also more affordable than the iPad mini 2, but the Apple slate is a significantly stronger offering and the Eagle won't be causing it any concern.

The EE Eagle will be offered from May possibly 28 for £199.99 on PAYG or £49.99 if you commit to a £15/month two year contract which gives you 2GB of data.

  • Study our hands on: Huawei MediaPad M1 review

Microsoft Surface lead: Surface Pro three is created for people , not for organizations

Microsoft Surface lead: Surface Pro 3 is made for people, not for businesses

Before Apple CEO Tim Cook pulled back the curtain on the iPad Air last year, he threw in a thinly veiled jab at Microsoft in the procedure : "Our competition is various. They are confused. They chased following netbooks. Now, they're trying to make PCs into PGEgaHJlZj0iaHR0cDovL2hvc3RpbmdraXRhLmNvbQ0iIHRhcmdldD0iX2JsYW5rIiByZWw9Im5vZm9sbG93Ij50YWJsZXRzIDwvYT5hbmQgPGEgaHJlZj0iaHR0cDovL2hvc3RpbmdraXRhLmNvbQ0iIHRhcmdldD0iX2JsYW5rIiByZWw9Im5vZm9sbG93Ij50YWJsZXRzIDwvYT4=into PCs. Who knows what they will do next ?"

Behind him, an image of a targeted traffic sign depicting a goofily winding road appeared on a big screen. Did Panos Panay, Corporate Vice President of Surface at the Redmond, Wash.- based PGEgaHJlZj0iaHR0cDovL3d3dy5ob3N0aW5na2l0YS5jb20NIiB0YXJnZXQ9Il9ibGFuayIgcmVsPSJub2ZvbGxvdyI+V2luZG93cyA8L2E+maker, take this slight personally?

I didn't bother asking him throughout a swift interview immediately after his reveal of the Surface Pro three. But an image of a website traffic sign did seem behind him on stage at the New York event, depicting a single fork in a road. Moments later, Panay slapped the Surface Pro three on a scale beside an iPad Air stacked atop a 13-inch MacBook Air.

Surface Pro 3
Now, that's a bold move

Stacking up the Surface

"The cause I consciously put the [iPad Air and MacBook Air] together was just to make the point," Panay says just feet away from that extremely stage. "I've heard the comparison: You can evaluate this to the iPad Air. It's entirely ridiculous, but you could. 'It's twice as significantly, why would you obtain it?' It is absolutely silly, due to the fact they are ignoring reality."

Probably, but what about the MacBook Air? Is not the Surface Pro 3 a tablet very first ? After all, that keyboard cover does not come with the device - it's a $129 accessory. Nonetheless, Panay firmly believes that the third time's a charm: this is the tablet to replace the top laptop.

"You can evaluate it just to the [MacBook] Air and it will stack up pretty well," the Surface lead says. "Weight? Far better. Thinness? Superior. You come across your self in this quite great balance. You get a pen and touch with this, you don't with that. It really is a complete laptop."

Surface Pro 3
Properly, he is correct about the thinness...

But those are bullet points for the journalists, pundits and critics. They are not what the typical customer standing in the store, overwhelmed by the choices, cares about.

"The accurate comparison for a actual person - not an report, for a particular person - is: Am I gonna' have to acquire both," Panay frankly states. "And, if I do, what does that expense me? And, in reality, bare minimum? $1,500. So, now your selection point is really uncomplicated. I assume we in fact have a fairly good shot at this."

Experts are men and women, too

Offered the name and its cost point, you'd feel that Microsoft would aim such a product as the Surface Pro three at professionals and companies. But Panay is rapid to dash any such notion.

"The solution truth is that it is created for people. That implies it is not created for companies. There have been decisions created. I do not put trap doors on the back. You can't replace the challenging drive, and you cannot replace the battery. It's meant to be seamless."

Surface Pro 3
You can appear, but do not touch

That is not to say that Panay's team did not design the Surface Pro 3 with perform in thoughts. Did Apple show off the MacBook Air or iPad Air, touting how IT purchasers would be all over them? No, but appear at what occurred : men and women, expert men and women, simply gravitated toward them. And now they are incorporated in almost each and every BYOD (Bring Your Personal Device) strategy about.

"I could've opened this kickstand up and let you play. But the beauty of this device, when you appear at the specifics of this issue, it is phenomenal. Due to the fact the point was individuals. You at household, very first. And if you wanted to take it to function ? Bless you. That is a phenomenal outcome."

But one more reason the Surface Mini was reportedly delayed

Yet another reason the Surface Mini was reportedly delayed

Microsoft might have decided to scrap the anticipated announcement of a Surface Mini tablet at its New York occasion earlier this week but according to reports, that does not mean the smaller sized sibling is dead in the water.

Neowin brings word that the '11th hour' choice to drop the Surface Mini from the Surface Pro 3 launch event came down to the fears it didn't have a decent sufficient value proposition.

The report claims Microsoft could be waiting until the completely touch-enabled version of Microsoft Office, codenamed Gemini, arrives later this year before releasing the Surface Mini into the wild.

That implies the 15,000 - 20,000 units Microsoft is said to have taken from the production line will be gathering dust till it can place a made -for-touch Workplace on them out-of-the-box.

Concentrate on the Pro

An Office update would potentially be the "winning ingredient" TechRadar speculated more than, following the Surface Pro three occasion May well 20.

However, as a outcome of the Surface Mini's unexpected absence, Microsoft was capable to location all of its concentrate on the new Surface Pro 3, released just nine months right after the Surface Pro 2.

The firm hopes this larger, thinner and lighter device will replace users' laptops with a 12-inch, 2160 x 1440 screen, better processing energy and slim type aspect.

The device can be configured with a Intel i7 Core processor, up to 512GB of storage and 8GB of RAM. It also boasts an enhanced Touch Cover, two five -megapixel cameras and nine hours of battery life.

  • See how the Surface Pro three stacks up to the Surface Pro two

Vodafone follows EE into cheap 4G tablets with new eight -inch Wise Tab 4

Vodafone follows EE into cheap 4G tablets with new 8-inch Smart Tab 4

Vodafone has announced its most current tablet, the 4G-enabled Smart Tab 4.

The low- finish, 8 -inch tablet has a resolution of 800x1280 and packs a 1.2GHz MediaTek quad-core processor and 1GB of RAM.

These specs are reflected in the price. On spend -as-you-go the 16GB slate is just £125, or just £29 upfront when signing up for a 2GB data contract at £20 a month for 24 months.

The device will arrive with PGEgaHJlZj0iaHR0cDovL3d3dy5ob3N0aW5na2l0YS5jb20NIiB0YXJnZXQ9Il9ibGFuayIgcmVsPSJub2ZvbGxvdyI+QW5kcm9pZCA8L2E+four. 2 PGEgaHJlZj0iaHR0cDovL2hvc3RpbmdraXRhLmNvbQ0iIHRhcmdldD0iX2JsYW5rIiByZWw9Im5vZm9sbG93Ij5KZWxseSBCZWFuIDwvYT4=out of the box, but Vodafone has pledged up update to KitKat in the near future.

Can it fly higher than an Eagle?

The launch comes just a day following rival network EE created its play in the own branded tablet arena with the spending budget EE Eagle.

Also an eight -inch tablet, the Eagle is produced by Huawei and comes with the same screen size, resolution and memory. Nevertheless the quad-core processor clocks slightly quicker at 1.6GHz.

That device lands on May well 28 for £199 upfront, even though it can be nabbed for £49 on a £15 a month 2GB contract, promising 4G speeds at 24-30Mbps.

By means of AndroidCentral

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Samsung reportedly eyeing piece of VR headset industry

Samsung reportedly eyeing piece of VR headset market

Virtual reality headsets are becoming huge business, but Sony and Facebook certainly are not the only organizations seeking to grab a piece of that pie now that Samsung is stated to be planing a answer for its own smartphones and tablets.

Engadget nowadays reported that Samsung is vying to turn into the newest consumer electronics company staking claim to the virtual reality market with a headset that ties neatly into subsequent -generation Galaxy devices.

According to unnamed developers who have managed to get an early peek at the peripheral, the project is separate from the so- called "Galaxy Glass" wearable, and a lot more along the lines of the Android-powered GameFace Labs prototype.

The similar sources claim Samsung is racing ahead at complete steam with the intention of at least announcing the VR headset sometime this year, presumably obtaining a jump on competitors including Sony's Project Morpheus and Facebook-owned Oculus Rift.

Priced to compete

Insiders claim Samsung's headset provides an OLED screen described as " great or far better than" that of the most current Oculus Rift developer kit, while particulars on specifically how the device connects to Galaxy products is unknown, but a wired connection appears to be a fantastic assumption.

Samsung apparently plans to target its VR peripheral at Android gamers, though the report notes that massive -name titles absolutely won't operate as direct ports without having a complete lot of effort.

The Korean manufacturer appears willing to blast onto the virtual reality scene with aggressive pricing stated to undercut rivals, although there's no indication the gadget will be dirt affordable.

Final but not least, developers claim Samsung is using something other than its own Tizen OS to power the headset, but for now the company has delivered a commonly blunt "Samsung does not comment on rumor and speculation" in response to inquiries attempting to dig up additional details on the project.

  • Check out the updated version of our Google Glass overview !

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Desktop Pc revival boosts Lenovo sales and revenues

Desktop PC revival boosts Lenovo sales and revenues

Lenovo has announced that its income have jumped by a quarter in the fourth quarter of its financial year with desktops and mobile devices fuelling its development globally.

2014 has been a fantastic year for the Chinese technologies business following the headline-grabbing acquisitions of IBM's server small business and Motorola Mobility for $ two.3bn and $ 2.91bn respectively.

Both purchases allow it to expand its international footprint and capitalise on the growing Post- pc market.

Full year revenues grew 14% year-on-year to reach $38.7bn (about £23bn, AU$42bn), which means that Lenovo must comfortably surpass $40bn if it maintains this development rate. The company's income surpassed $1bn (about £600m, AU$1.1bn) for the initial time ever, up a whopping 27% year-on-year.

It consolidated its position as the largest individual computer system in the world with a close to 18% share of a industry that has been declining by eight % more than the last year.

Lenovo, a accurate global tech giant?

For the 1st time ever as well, EMEA revenues for the company surpassed those of mainland China, a fact which highlights Lenovo's lesser reliance on its classic residence base.

Laptops and desktops still account for the bulk of the company's income (80%) with smartphones and tablets accounting for a different 13%.

Lenovo shipped nearly 13 million units, adding a percentage point to its market place share, to four. six %, a figure that's bound to increase soon after the Motorola Mobility obtain. The firm will be searching to boost its operating profit margins which are at present in the single-digits.

IBM's low- end server small business unit is likely to give that a increase as it brings a 14% industry share to Lenovo along with the possibility to supply a much more complete finish -to- end option to firms dealing exclusively in Intel- primarily based hardware.

  • Hello Moto: The true story behind Lenovo's major acquire.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Surface Pro 3 vs iPad Air vs Galaxy Note Pro 12. 2

Surface Pro 3 vs iPad Air vs Galaxy Note Pro 12.2

Microsoft has unleashed its cavalry in the battle of big tablets in the form of the Surface Pro three, its most impressive and desirable tablet but.

But is it adequate to draw the eyes of the masses from the iPad Air and even the PGEgaHJlZj0iaHR0cDovL2hvc3RpbmdraXRhLmNvbQ0iIHRhcmdldD0iX2JsYW5rIiByZWw9Im5vZm9sbG93Ij5TYW1zdW5nIDwvYT4=Galaxy Note Pro 12. 2 ?

As phones continue to get bigger, the same is true for tablets, and the space for 10 -inch plus slates is obtaining far more and much more crowded.

So which massive tablet has what it takes to beat the other two?


Samsung's Galaxy Note Pro 12. 2 is the biggest table in terms of sheer size, at 12. two inches -. 2 inches larger than the 12-inch Surface Pro 3. The Note Pro is 7.95mm thick and weighs just 750g, 50g less than the Surface Pro 3's 800g. The Surface is also thicker at 9.1mm.

Samsung Galaxy Note Pro 12.2 size
King of the ring

Meanwhile the iPad Air measures 9. 4 inches and 7.5mm thick, making it the thinnest of the 3 tablets. It weighs just 469g as effectively.


The Surface Pro three has a attractive 12. 2 inch screen with the uncommon aspect ratio of three : 2 and a dense 2160 x 1440 resolution. Whether or not the aspect change from the Surface 2's 16:9 is a fantastic or terrible thing will have to play out over the lengthy run as we see how the OS and apps carry out.

iPad Air screen
iPad Air resolution bests the Pro 3

The iPad Air's 9.7-inch 2048 x 1536 LED show with IPS may well be a lot more dense than the Surface Pro 3's, but that has more to do with its smaller sized size than its comparable resolution.

The LCD-equipped Samsung Galaxy Note Pro 12. 2 has the greatest screen at 12. 2 inches and the highest resolution at 2560 x 1600.


The Surface Pro 3 lets customers pick involving an Intel Core i3, i5 or i7 processor and up to 8GB of RAM. The default i5 is clocked at 1.6GHz but can Turbo Enhance up to two.9GHz.

Surface Pro 3 processor
Pro energy in your hand

Apple's iPad Air comes with the company's personal 64-bit A7 chip, developed to conserve battery life whilst enhancing functionality over past iPads.

The Galaxy Note Pro 12. 2 can deal with a few configurations: the Wi-Fi and 3G model has an octa-core chip comprised of a 1.9GHz quad-core A15 and a 1.3GHz quad-core A7 chip, when the LTE version has a single two.3GHz quad-core Krait processor. The octa-core configuration provides it a leg up in terms of sheer processing energy.

Battery life

Microsoft has however to specify the Surface Pro 3's battery in detail, but we do know that it's supposed to run for around 9 hours, 20% longer than the Surface Pro 2's.

galaxy note pro 12.2 battery
Which major -size tablet lasts the longest?

The iPad Air's roughly eight,820mAh battery has it beat with an estimated ten hours of active use, and the Galaxy Note Pro 12.2's is even superior at 9,500mAh and a reported 13 hours. Naturally, battery consumption varies wildly with use, and the variations among these 3 may well effectively prove negligible.

Hands on: Microsoft Surface Pro 3 review

Hands on: Microsoft Surface Pro 3 review

In the case of Microsoft's Surface Pro three, the old adage just may turn out to be accurate : third time's a charm. The new laptop-tablet hybrid has been billed as Microsoft's realization of the vision it painted years ago: the ultimate, no-compromise device that lets users consume and generate content in equal measure.

The outcome ? Soon after a handful of hours with the device, the Surface Pro 3 is fairly dang close. Microsoft has enhanced upon its pro-grade tablet in nearly each way: a larger, sharper screen, a thinner, lighter frame and the snappiest keyboard cover but amongst other upgrades. Even so, I'm still somewhat suspect that such a device is even important.

I am still grappling with that query each day, regardless of what hybrid is plopped on my lap. In the meantime, let's take a appear at exactly what is unique just 9 months because the debut of the Microsoft Surface Pro 2.

Microsoft Surface Pro 3 review
A light one particular -handed match for a 12-incher

Bigger, thinner, lighter

We have the technologies. If you were to supercut Surface head Panos Panay's presentation of the Surface Pro three, it might sound like he was introducing the Bionic Tablet. Positive, it could sound like the standard tech occasion hyperbole, but the proof is in the hardware and the design and style that Panay and his team have realized.

Sitting a Surface Pro three and its predecessor side by side would instantly reveal some essential variations. For 1, this tablet sports a 12-inch, 2160 x 1440 with Microsoft's ClearType font smoothing technologies. That tends to make for a 38% bigger screen than the 10. 6 -inch Surface Pro two and 50% additional pixels, by Microsoft's measure.

Microsoft Surface Pro 3 review

What matters is that, most likely thanks to ClearType, text looks super sharp &ndash even in Google Chrome. (The browser is notorious for its blurriness on sharp Windows 8.1 displays.) Resting on my lap, I could point out nary a pixel on the QHD show. And touch controls, like summoning the Charms menu, have been a breeze.

But anyone can pump out a sharper screen every single year. What's additional marvelous about the Surface Pro three is that it managed to come in each thinner and lighter than the previous model whilst growing in diagonal width. At just 1.76 pounds and.36 inches thin, that is no little feat, contemplating final year's model weighed 1.98 pounds and measured.53 inches.

Microsoft Surface Pro 3 review
Those vents line the whole 'top' half of the tablet

Microsoft chalks this up to a new thermal design (and more than one hundred custom components ) that, even though fan-cooled, dispenses heat via vents that span practically half of the device's edges. ( Although, I located the back of the slate to run rather hot even though installing updates.) Plus, absolutely nothing in this device is modular or upgradable, like most tablets and even Ultrabooks.

A smarter cover

Just like the hardware itself, Microsoft went back to the drawing board with its Sort Cover accessory. Now, the cover sports a second point of articulation with a magnet inside that sticks it to the tablet's lower bezel. Utilizing this sets the keys and clickpad at an angle, which created for a considerably more comfortable typing encounter each on the desk in the TechRadar office and my lap while at the Surface three Pro press occasion in New York.

Microsoft Surface Pro 3 review
Nowhere close to as sturdy as a laptop, but a leap in the appropriate path

Brightly backlit and snappier than ever, the Surface Pro 3 Type Cover is currently the company's finest yet. With a additional membrane crucial -like strategy this time, there is deeper travel and punchier rebound in every single key, generating for an encounter quite close to that of a laptop. And that smooth plastic clickpad hasn't just elevated in width it made smoother tracking and much better multi-touch assistance than I've had with the Pro 2.

Now, here's the catch: the issue will set you back an extra $129 (about £76, AU$139). And to aspire to Microsoft's catch phrase, "the tablet that can replace your laptop," this accessory is essential. It makes you wonder why the Form Cover is optional at all &ndash like it with the entry-level Surface Pro 3 would nevertheless have it come in beneath the 64GB Surface Pro 2.

Microsoft Surface Pro 3 review

A pen packing the energy of Bluetooth

Nicely, that and the "thinnest optical stack" in the screen sector, as Microsoft puts it. (Not to mention that enhanced kickstand with an even wider viewing angle.) With just about every Surface Pro 3 comes the Surface Pen, a total revision of the stylus discovered alongside the previous Surface Pro models. This time, the stylus is weighted to feel additional like an actual writing instrument.

Plus, the LCD screen has been brought closer to the glass than ever, to lessen the disconnect among exactly where the stylus touches and the actual input. Microsoft calls this the parallax impact, but what you need to have to know is that writing feels a lot more organic &ndash plain and easy.

Microsoft Surface Pro 3 review
The screen and stylus manage my terrible cursive surprisingly nicely

The Surface Pen also utilizes the tablet's Bluetooth connection to excellent impact. Click the button atop the stylus, and the Surface Pro three unlocks automatically and starts OneNote with your last web page ready for far more notes. Double-clicking the pen's leading button requires a screenshot of whatever is on the screen.

Lastly, Microsoft enhanced considerably on its touchscreen palm rejection, what it calls Palm Block. The outcome is fewer mishaps in my brief time with the device, and hence an even much more all-natural really feel.

Is the price proper ?

Microsoft managed to price the Surface Pro three at $799 ( around £474, AU$863) to start off. That's with an Intel Core i3 processor, 4GB of memory and 64GB of storage. (The Surface Pro two nevertheless starts at $899, but probably not for long.) But really, thinking about how crucial the Type Cover is to the all round encounter and Microsoft's initial guarantee, this most recent tablet may possibly as properly price $929.

Microsoft Surface Pro 3 review
This is as far back as the hinge goes, and it really is a lot

Even so, what Panay didn't mention on stage &ndash and told me immediately after the fact &ndash is that just the Core i5 solution will be accessible for pre-order beginning tomorrow and basic sale June 20. And that starts at $999 (about £593, AU$1,079) devoid of the Variety Cover. Orders for the entry-level and $1,549 ( around £919, AU$1,673), Core i7-packing version won't be fulfilled until late August.

Early verdict

The Surface Pro three brings Microsoft dangerously close to its vision of "replacing the laptop," with vastly improved hardware inside and out. Save for a bit of a dearth of difficult connections &ndash just a single USB 3., microSD and a mini DisplayPort right here &ndash I doubt I'll be left wanting for much as get much more familiar with this device for a full review.

The driving notion behind the Surface Pro 3 is putting the full weight of Microsoft's software program and hardware chops behind a single device. And functions like this Surface Pen and OneNote instill self-assurance that the firm is doing excellent by that vision.

Price and barely optional accessories aside, I'm already bullish on what this hybrid device is capable of. And I've been skeptical bordering on critical of the category considering that it popped up a couple of years back. Check back soon for my complete evaluation to see regardless of whether the Surface Pro three lives up to its charms.

Microsoft Surface Pro three vs Surface Pro two

Microsoft Surface Pro 3 vs Surface Pro 2

Microsoft marketed the Surface Pro 2 as "the tablet that's got it all," but apparently that wasn't quite correct, provided the big leap forward the PGEgaHJlZj0iaHR0cDovL3d3dy5ob3N0aW5na2l0YS5jb20NIiB0YXJnZXQ9Il9ibGFuayIgcmVsPSJub2ZvbGxvdyI+V2luZG93cyA8L2E+maker has created with the announcement of the Surface Pro three.

Although every person anticipated Microsoft would unveil a smaller sized Surface (and the occasion invitations seemingly confirmed such a device), the people in Redmond went in the other path, bypassing a new model of its ARM- based Surface tablet in favor of a larger Surface Pro alternatively.

Offered for pre-order beginning Wednesday, May 21, the Surface Pro 3 surely appears like it lives up to Microsoft claims that it is "the tablet that can replace your laptop," but is it advertising hype or really a important upgrade to the Surface Pro 2 ?

Surface Pro 3 display
Which Surface has it all?


The Surface Pro three is certainly bigger than its predecessor, with a 12-inch diagonal ClearType Full HD screen that abandons the earlier 16:9 aspect ratio of earlier models for a exclusive three : two aspect ratio. That makes for a good 38% enhance in screen estate compared to the Surface Pro 2's ten. six -inch display.

But it really is not just about the size of the screen: Surface Pro 3 also packs in 2160 x 1440 pixels compared to the Pro 2's 1920 x 1080 (a 50% boost ) for what Microsoft calls a "pixel- totally free " display with the highest contrast ratio in the business. Windows 8.1 also incorporates optimized scaling particular to the Surface Pro three.

Surface Pro 3 with Type Cover
Cover me productive


There is no mistaking the Pro three is a Microsoft Surface item, although the.36-inch (9.1mm) thin develop absolutely tends to make the.53 inches (13.462mm) Surface Pro two look downright pudgy by comparison.

For additional comparison, Microsoft claims Surface Pro three is half as thick as 1 of Apple's MacBook Pro notebooks, and even 30% thinner than its slimmest 11-inch MacBook Air model.

Surface Pro 3 is also produced from a silver-hued magnesium, which Microsoft claims has been custom machined and " made to fit " compared to the Pro 2, which was produced from dark titanium.

Possibly Microsoft's most impressive feat with the Pro 3 is how they had been capable to slim down an even bigger device, which weighs in at only 800g (1.76 lbs.) compared to the Pro 2's heavier two pounds (just a hair over 907g).

Surface Pro 3 processor


For all the work Microsoft engineers place into slimming down Surface Pro three, it may possibly be simple to forgive the business for sacrificing on what's inside - but that does not appear to be the case, judging from the quantity of time Redmond spent detailing the guts of its latest tablet.

For starters, Microsoft claims Surface Pro 3 is the thinnest Intel Core item ever made " - a bold claim that applies even with a Variety Cover attached. And for the initially time ever, Microsoft has identified a way to cram a more strong Intel Core i7 processor into such a diminutive frame.

By comparison, final year's Surface Pro 2 topped out with a fourth-generation Intel Core i5 processor, although the Pro three will be offered in i3, i5 and i7 flavors to suit most any price range.

Last but not least, Surface Pro 3 stretches the "fanless" idea to new heights, with what Microsoft claims is a 30 percent more efficient cooling method than any other item on the market.

Surface Pro 3 vs. MacBook Air


More quickly processor equals significantly less battery life, proper ? Not so fast, says Microsoft, who claims Surface Pro 3 manages to squeeze out a lot more than 20 percent battery life compared to earlier models, in maintaining with the company's new "no compromises" mantra.

In the case of Surface Pro 2, Microsoft proclaimed seven to 12 days of idle life, although their official specs fell short on how a lot of hours it may possibly final while in use. Our personal tests of that model managed just quick of seven hours in typical use - not quite MacBook Air numbers, but nonetheless improved from the original Surface Pro.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Hands on: Lenovo ThinkPad ten overview

Hands on: Lenovo ThinkPad 10 review

Ever because Apple's slates, like the iPad Air, invaded the enterprise scene, Microsoft and PGEgaHJlZj0iaHR0cDovL2hvc3RpbmdraXRhLmNvbQ0iIHRhcmdldD0iX2JsYW5rIiByZWw9Im5vZm9sbG93Ij5Hb29nbGUgPC9hPg==alike have scrambled to gobble what chunks of the BYOD (Bring Your Personal Device) pie they can. The latest foe for the mighty iPad looks to be the most worthy in a while : the Lenovo ThinkPad 10.

This beefy, 10.1-inch Windows 8.1 tablet is basically an all-grown-up version of the Lenovo ThinkPad eight. Through a preview occasion in New York, I was capable to play around with the device &ndash not to mention its myriad accessories &ndash for a couple of minutes. When short, it was adequate time to get a really feel for the aluminum and Gorilla Glass-clad pad and what it really is all about.

With a somewhat goofy, asymmetrical frame, the ThinkPad ten is however another laptop-tablet hybrid device, even though this time with a tablet- initial design. At least the goofy style ID has a purpose : that flat bottom has several docking accessories to match to enable a number of use instances.

Lenovo ThinkPad 10 review
Would not this appear weird on the subway or tube?

Covered in circumstances (and docks)

Lenovo wants the ThinkPad ten to present customers as versatile a organization tablet option as attainable, therefore a whopping 5 accessories to accompany the device. Whilst fully capable of ten finger multi-point touch control, Lenovo delivers the Digitizer Pen for stylus manage.

And if you wanted a case, how about two? Very first up is the stiff and functional Touchcase, similar to Microsoft's touch- based Touch Cover. However, this rendition of the normally -frustrating touch keyboard design has clear delineations in between keys and a soft touch surface for supposedly simpler typing. (I wasn't able to test this.)

Lenovo ThinkPad 10 review

Subsequent is the Quickshot Cover, as observed on the ThinkPad eight. This cover is no various than what is identified shacking up with this tablet's tinier cousin. The exact same smaller flap is present and accounted for, and serves the similar objective : flip the flap to instantaneously activate the camera. You know, for all those tablet pictures you'll be taking &ndash hey at least it works, and an 8 -MP shooter with auto focus and flash is absolutely nothing to sneeze at.

Finally, you have the ThinkPad 10 dock, which is the same as all Lenovo tablet docks (a charging station replete with USB 3., HDMI and Ethernet ports), and the Ultrabook Keyboard. As the name implies, this is a additional mechanical keyboard dock with two fixed slots for the ThinkPad ten to fit inside. One particular delivers the obvious laptop mode, whilst the other has the screen about-face for a stand mode. I'm not positive what business application that has other than displaying off possibly time will inform.

Lenovo ThinkPad 10 review

Hot hardware inside and out

Even though versatility by way of gobs of accessories may well set the ThinkPad ten apart in a lot more obvious approaches, it's what is on the inside that counts. And behind that 1920 x 1080 IPS touchscreen rests some powerful innards to back it up.

Aside from a quad-core Intel Atom Z3795 processor, the ThinkPad 10 comes packing up to 4GB of DDR3 RAM and up to 128GB eMMC flash storage. Up front, you are searching at a 2 -MP webcam with 720p video capability to compliment that higher -resolution snapper about back.

Lenovo ThinkPad 10 review
This is most likely the most versatile of all the accessories

In terms of connectivity, Lenovo equipped this slate with micro HDMI, USB 2. and a microSD card reader in addition to 802.11 a/b/g/n Wi-Fi. So, while this is no iPad Air in terms of sharpness or wireless speed, it really is far additional expandable. Plus, Lenovo promises the identical 10 hours of battery life, but we'll be the judge of that.

Early verdict

From purely a hardware and design perspective, the Lenovo ThinkPad ten impresses with an intense spec sheet and premium construct materials. But I'd be remiss not to mention how awkward that style felt in my hands, in particular in portrait mode.

I get it: the device is shaped to fit the umpteen accessories that Lenovo will sell alongside it. But couldn't these instances and docks had been molded to match a a lot more curvaceous tablet style ? This brings me to the ultimate hurdle facing the ThinkPad 10.

Lenovo ThinkPad 10 review
For all your ten -inch-tablet-photo-taking needs

Starting at $599 (about £355, AU$639), the ThinkPad 10 is not a low-cost tablet by any means, nor should it be. But those accessories, with rates ranging from $59 ( around £34, AU$63) to $129 (about £76, AU$137), would drive this tablet's value through the roof if you want the device's full functionality. (Plus, this numerous items could spell "nightmare" for the IT buyer that already has sufficient to worry about.)

The Lenovo ThinkPad 10 is a finely designed tablet with a special signifies of infiltrating the small business marketplace. But will an abundance of accessories be also much for the average employee's shoulder bag? Keep tuned for our complete critique.